en-manualig cembalo byggd av Kurt Wittmayer i Tyskland 1968
- Omfång: C – f3
- Register: 1 x 8-fot, 1 x 4-fot, lutregister (delat)
- Plektrummaterial: läder
- Tonhöjd: a440
- Mått: 94 cm x 198 cm
- Prisidé: 12 000:-
Instrumentet finns i Stockholm.
Kontakt: info@tidigaklaver.se
Säljaren har bifogat en beskrivning:
I am selling this instrument because I will have to move to a smaller apartment in several weeks. The instrument is in good condition (as can be seen in pictures and video here https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPGCszLiP0mk08dJPiz5dGEQmz1tfn9G6RIes1C7Bttf8Af9Q7yA8fnUY4oQoFX5w?key=bDFuRzh4Q0dfR25TaDE2dHA0aWJwSHNxbVY2UGt3 ). It was last serviced by Dan (tidigaklaver.se) on April 2019. The starting price is 12.000 kr, but I could be open for negotiation.
This instrument was made by Wittmayer (Glenn Gould’s favourite harpsichord brand, the one used for his Handel Suites recording) from c. 1968 (according to https://www.feurich.com/en/information-contact/serial-number-check/ ). It has a single manual with a 4′ and a 8′ registers (the later with split lute effect). They are controlled with a knee lever and several hand levers. Range is 4.5 octaves, from C to f”’. The plectra used is leather and the jacks are wooden.
The width is about 94cm and the length it’s a bit under 2m. The legs can easily be disassembled for transport. **Transportation not included**. Transportation must be arranged and accounted for the costumer. The weight of the instrument is not too heavy (being mostly wood, it doesn’t have a cast iron frame like a piano after all), so 2-3 not-very-strong people should be able to handle it fine.
The instrument is located in Kungsholmen, in Stockholm.